TEXT: 1Sam. 30:10-18
MEMORY VERSE: 1Sam 30:12 (NIV)
‘part of a cake of pressed figs and two cakes of raisins. He ate and was revived, for he had not eaten any food or drunk any water for three days and three nights.’
‘Friendship evangelism’ can also be seen as the most practically ‘informative evangelism approach”. It succeeds to win or recover lost souls not through crusades, outreaches or open air services, but through friendly dispositions, one to another. In our text, David was annoyed and even in disarray caused him by his enemies. But he brought under control in his mission to recover ALL for himself and his people after meeting one of those enemies. This lesson is to be taught using a ‘powwow’ approach. A Lesson is ‘powwow’ because both teachers and learners are considered as a ‘panel of discussants’, thus, taking away the spirit of lecturing while the teacher plays the role of a moderator. All such do not have ‘evaluation questions’ in the end.
1. In evangelizing, who is the first beneficiary to look out for? (cf. Gen 1:26-28; Matt.25:40).
2. The Evangelist is, no doubt, a courier of life.
(a) What is that life called? (cf. Eph. 4:17-21)
(b) By what means is the life accessed? (cf. John 6:63,68)
3. What is the nature of blessing the Evangelist bears first and why? (cf. Eph. 1:3; Luke 10:19-20; Matt. 6:33)
4. What is an outstanding evidence that the evangelist has done his work well? (cf. 2 Cor.3:1-4; Eph 4:20-21; Matt.7:15-20).
The number of persons we meet in this life and how we relate with them will surely determine the much and less blessing and recommendation for punishment we receive from God. Whether or not we are being seen and praised by men does not matter in this respect. We must be quick to receive one another. (See Rom. 12:9, 10,16)
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