– THE LIFE AND TIMES OF QUEEN ESTHER – (Children/Teenagers’ Category)
1. What was the Jewish version of the Persian name “Esther”? (ANS. Hadassah – 2:7)

2. The book of Esther is one of the —–books of the Bible. (a) Poetical (b) Prophetic (c) Historical (d) Law ANS. C

3. —- was the grandfather of Mordecai. (a) Kish (b) Shemei (c) Abigail (d) All above ANS. B
4. Mordecai was the —— of Esther. (2:7) (a) Cousin (b) Uncle (c) Father (d) Nephew. ANS. A
5. What was the name of the annual feast instituted by the Jews during Queen Esther’s reign? ANS. Purim
6. Who particularly instituted the feast that helped to remind the Hebrews of their deliverance from Haman’s annihilated plot? ANS. Mordecai
7. “Pharaohs” were the kings of Egypt. Who were the kings of Persia? (ANS. Ahasuerus)
8. What was the capital of the kingdom of Persia? (ANS. Shushan or Susa)
9. The king of Persia was —— years on his throne when he arranged a banquet. (1:3) (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 fd) 5 (ANS. B)
10. The king’s exhibition lasted for how many days? (1:4) (a) 280 (b) 380 (c) 80 (d) 180. ANS. D
11. At the palace of the king, the banquet lasted for how many days? (1:5) ANS. 7 days
12. These were all the Eunuchs under the king except — (1:10)(a) Memucan (b) Biztha (c) Mehuman (d) Zethar. ANS. A
13. Historical books of the Bible among which Esther belongs are —— (a) 12 (b) 22 (c) 2 (d) 32. ANS. B
14. Eunuchs were – (a) Nazirites (b) Nephilims (c) Castrates (d) Zealots. ANS. C
15. “Herodias” was to “Herod” as ——, Esther’s predecessor, was to “Ahasuerus”. (ANS. Vashti)
16. How many were the princes of Persia and Media next to the king? (1:14) ANS. 7
17. Queen Vashti’s mistake brought about the exaltation of Esther, Mordecai and the Jews in Persia and Media. What was the mistake? (ANS. Vashti’s refusal to appear before the King at the king’s order)
18. He suggested that Queen Vashti be removed and was accordingly implemented. Who was that? (ANS. Memucan 1:20-21)
19. As Abuja is to Tinubu, so was —-to Ahasuerus. (ANS. Shushan or Susa)
20. Originally, Esther was a —— (a) Queen (b) Orphan (c) Princess (d) Proselyte (2:7) ANS. B
21. Who was Esther’s foster father? (ANS. Mordecai) – 2:7).
22. Where was Mordecai’s office? (ANS. Palace of king Ahasuerus – 2:11)
23. Who was the Eunuch prefect over the maidens among whom Esther was? (ANS. Hegai – 2:8)
24. “The king of Persia MUST know the origins of any proposed Queen.” (True or False (False – 2:10)
25. In Shushan, as a tradition, potential queens must be prepared for —— year(s). (a) 2 (b) 3 (C) 1 (d) 4 ANS. C (2:12)
26. He was the head of the king’s concubines. (a) Hegai (b) Shaasgaz (c) Carcas (d) Admatha ANS. B
27. The king’s concubines had the right to visit the king —– time(s). (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) Once (2:13-14) ANS. D
28. “Esther was the most admired because of her choiced make up things.” (True or false- 2:15) ANS. False
29. King Ahasuerus had been on the throne as king for- –years before marrying Esther. (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8. ANS. C
30. It was the —-month when Esther appeared before king Ahasuerus. (a) 9th (b) 10th (c) 11th (d) 8th (2:16). ANS. B
31. Who were the two Chamberlains that sought to kill Ahasuerus if not for Mordecai’s intervention? (a) Bigthan and Carcas (b) Teresh and Harbona (c) Biztha and Zethar (d) Bigthan and Teresh (2:21). ANS. D
32. “Queen Esther could not be as obedient to Mordecai anymore because of her engagements as the king’s wife.” (a) False (b) Sometimes False (c) True (d) Sometimes True (2:20). ANS. A
33. He was Esther’s attendant. (a) Haman (b) Hatach (c) Mordecai (d) Kish. ANS. B
35. Before reversing the death decree to kill all Jews by Haman, Queen Esther had arranged —— banquets. (a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Four (5:8; 7:2). ANS. B
36. There were —- provinces under king Ahasuerus.(a) 127 (b) 227 (c) 137 (d) 237 (8:9). ANS. A
37. The Jews were empowered by law to defend themselves on ——- (a) 13th November (b) 13th December (c) 13th October (d) 13th January (8:12) ANS. B
38. There were Jewish —– for fear of the Jews in Persia in general and Shushan in particular. (a) Nazirites (b) Medians (c) Apostles (d) Proselytes. ANS. D (8:17)
39. Mordecai was from the tribe of —- in Israel. (a) Dan (b) Reuben (c) Levites (d) Benjamin. ANS. D
40. As “caesars” were for Rome, —– were for Amalek nicknamed for wickedness. (a) Pharaohs (b) Herods (c) Agags (d) Emirs. ANS. C
41. The ancient Persia from 1935 is the present day —-(a) USA (b) Iran (c) Germany (d) Yemen. ANS. B
42. —– was a monarch in Persia under whom the captivity of Babylon ended. (a) Caesar (b) Cyrus the Great (c) Nebuchadnezzar (d) None above. ANS. B
43. The Media of the Book of Esther is the present day region of —– (a) Zurich (b) Denmark (c) Azerbaijan (d) Turkey. ANS. C
44. As “Ahasuerus” is Hebrew. the Greek version is —- (a) Cyrus (b) Xerxes (c) Satrap (d) Agag. ANS. B
45. The King during Queen Esther’s reign ruled from (a) India to Egypt (b) India to Ethiopia (c) India to Media (d) Babylon to Ethiopia. ANS. B
46. What are States in Nigeria were — in Esther’s time. (a) Colonies (b) Monarchies (c) Regions (d) Provinces. ANS. D
47. “When the women in your kingdom hear about this new law, they will respect their husbands no matter if they are rich or poor.” (Est. 1:3 CEV) Who made the statement and at what occasion? (ANS. Memucan at Vashti’s refusal to appear before the king) 47b. “Est. 1:22” says letters were written and sent to the people in their languages. One of such languages was —- (a) Iran (b) English (c) French (d) Hausa. ANS. A
48. Queen Esther was the only wife the ruler of Persia had. (a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes ‘Yes’ (d) Sometimes ‘No’. ANS. B
49. The Hebrew name, “Mordecai” means —– (a) Slave (b) Warrior (c) Centurion (d) Bond. ANS. B
50. Other Bible’s account as in “Neh.7:7 say Mordecai returned to Judah with —— (a) Zerubbabel (b) Jeconiah (c) Moses (d) Saul. ANS. A
51. The phrase, “at the King’s gate.” was true of all these except (a) A place for beggars (b) A place for workers in the King’s court (c) A sensitive place for governmental affairs (d) A place for public servants. ANS A
52. Whose King captured Judah and took Mordecai to Babylon? (Esther 2:6) ANS. Nebuchadnezzar
53. Who was the King in Judah when Nabuchadnezzar conquered it? (ANS. Jeconiah – Esther 2:6)
54. “In the governance of Persia, anyone that disobeyed the King as Queen Vashti did was likely sentenced to death. (a) True (b) False (c) Seldom True (d) All above. ANS. A
55. He was the biological father of Queen Esther. (a) Mordecai (b) Abihail (c) Hadassah (d) Kish (ANS. B – Esther 9:29)
56. Who was the predecessor of Esther? (a) Hegai (b) Vashti (c) Memucan (d) Mehuman. ANS. B
57. Who was the successor of Vashti? (a) Esther (b) Hegai (c) Memucan (d) Mehuman. ANS. A
58. Queen Esther was probably born in (a) Shushan (b) Persia (c) Iran (d) All above. ANS. D
59. In the Hebrew calendar, “Tebesh” was which month of the year? (Esther 2:15-16) (ANS. 10th)
60. Why was the Jewish feast of victory over their enemies called “PURIM”? (Esther 9:20-26) ANS. taken from the word ‘pur’ meaning ‘Lottery’).
61. What does the word “PUR” mean? (ANS. ‘Lot’ – Esther 9:24)
62. How many female children had Haman, the Jewish arch enemy? (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) None above. ANS. D (Esther 9:10)
63. Who was the father of Haman? (ANS. Hammedatha – Esther 9:24)
64. The month of “Adar” was —- (a) March (b) September c) December (d) November (ANS. C -Esther 9:1 )
65. Haman schemed that all Jews be killed on —- (a) 13th August (b) 13th July (c) 13th June (d) 13th December. ANS. D
66. Why did the rulers of the Provinces take side with the Jews? ANS. ‘Fear of Mordecai’ – (Esther 9:3,4)
67. How many of Jewish enemies did they kill in the nation’s capital? (a)) 800 (b) 300 (c) 500 (d) 600. ANS. A – (Esther 9:6,15)
68. What was Queen Esther’s second request to the King after the first day of their self defense? (Esther 9:13)(ANS. Hanging of Haman’s dead Children)
69. Haman’s ten children were among the —– killed. (a) 300 (b) 75,000 (c) 500 (d) Two of above ANS. C
70. How many of the Jewish enemies were killed on the 14th December in the capital city? (a) 300 (b) 500 (c) 800 (d) 5o (Esther 9:15). ANS. A
71. “Jews were exceedingly enriched through the spoils of their enemies they had killed.” (a) True (b) False (c) Sometimes True (d) Sometimes False (Esther 9:15,16) ANS. B
72. How many people did the Jews kill in Persia excluding those in the capital city? (ANS. 75,000 – Esther 9:16)
73. Why was PURIM celebrated in two days? (ANS. Because one day was set aside for those in villages and one day for those in the capital city.
74. PURIM of the Jews that lived in the capital city took place on —– (a) 13th December (b) 14th December (c) 15th December (d) 16th December (Esther 9:18)(ANS. 15th December)
75. PURIM of the Jews that lived in the villages took place on —– (a) 13th December (b) 14th December (c) 15th December (d) 16th December. ANS. B
76. What was one important feature in PURIM that today is significant in Christianity? (ANS. Charity/Humanitarian Services – Esther 9:19,22))
77. All these are the sons of Haman except (a) Dalphon (b) Adalia (c) Hegai (d) Aridatha. ANS. C
78. What is one significant lesson in the episode that the gallows Haman prepared for the servant of the Most High (Mordecai) turned to be for hanging him and his children? (ANS. Never underestimate anyone due to your present position.)
79. Two people ensured that it became an edict – the celebration of PURIM. Who were they? (ANS. Mordecai & Esther – Est. 9:29)
80. Beside Mordecai being next to the King, what other quality did he possess that made his people to love him according to “Est. 10:3”? (ANS. He was generous)
81. When did Queen Esther reveal her biological relationship with Mordecai to the King? (Est. 8:1)(ANS. After Mordecai had triumphed over Haman by his God’s grace)
82. Not only was Haman and all his children killed because of his evil plan against Mordecai and all the Jews. What else happened to Haman that benefited Mordecai? (Est. 8:2) (ANS. His possessions were given to Mordecai.)
83. A decree written to reverse Haman’s decree against the Jews was written in the —– month (a) 4th (b) 5th (c) 3rd (d) 6th (ANS. 3rd – Est. 8:9)
84. Both the King’s decree and that of Haman against the Jews were to be effected on the same day and month. Which day and month did that take place? (Est. 8:12) (ANS. 13th December)
85. “If I perish, I perish.” (Est. 4:16) To whom was the statement made? (ANS. Mordecai)
86. “…And who knows but that you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Est. 4:14- AMP). To whom was the statement made and by whom? (ANS. To Esther by Mordecai)
87. The leader of Queen Esther’s team to Mordecai while still on sackcloth was —– a) Vaisatha (b) Hathach (c) Parotha (d) Hammedatha. ANS. B
88. King Xerxes was King for —– years when Haman initiated the plot to kill all the Jews. (a) 7(b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 12 (Est. 3:7). ANS. D
89. What reason did Mordecai give to his colleagues for not bowing down before Haman? (ANS. Being a Jew – Est. 3:4)
90. In which month did Haman start the plot to wipe out all the Jews? (a) Adar (b) Nisan (C) Susa (d) Tebesh (ANS. B – Est. 3:7)
91. Haman paid money to the King’s account for Jews in the empire to be killed. How much? (ANS. 10,000 talents of silver – Est. 3:9)
92. On —-, Haman’s decree was documented. (a) 12th January (b) 13th January (c) 14th January (d) 15th January (ANS. B – Est. 3:12)
93. “Queen Esther ordered that Mordecai send notice of a fast to all the Jews in Persia.” (a) True (b) False (c) Sometimes True (d) All above. (ANS. B – Est. 4:16) between Mordecai and Esther judging from the
94. What one lesson do we see between Mordecai and Esther judging from the success at last that “Mordecai went away and did all that Esther had commanded him.”? (Est, 4:17 – AMP) (ANS. Agreement and/or cooperation in the spirit)
95. What was the sign of welcome the King gave to Queen Esther? (ANS. Pointing his sceptre towards her – Est. 5:1,2)
96. The King was wiling to grant Queen Esther’s request even to what? (ANS. Conceding half of his kingdom – Est. 5:3,7)
97. If Haman knew Mordecai was related to the King’s wife, He would have not looked down on him. What other lesson does this teach those on positions of authority? (ANS. Pride leads to a fall.)
98. How many cubits or feet high was Haman’s gallows he had prepared for hanging his enemy, Mordecai? (ANS. 50 cubits or 75 feet – Est. 5:14-50)
99. By the time Haman came to ask for the King’s permission to hang Mordecai, the King was asking what should be done to honour him. What does that teach us about God’s will and human will? (ANS. Always opposite – Est. 6:3-6)
100. “… But Haman hastened to his house, mourning and having his head covered.” (Est. 6:12b AMP)
Why did the character in the Scripture above do so? (ANS. Because of honouring the very person he went to receive permission to hang.)
101. The word, ‘God’ appears ——— time(s) in the ‘Book of Esther’. (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) None (d) 13 (ANS. C)
102. “Esther” is ——– language. (a) Coptic (b) Hebrew (c) Persian (d) Latin (ANS. C)
103. “Memucan” quoted in the ‘Law of Media and Persia’ what should be done to Queen Vashti for her refusal to be available at the King’s request – True or False. (ANS. False)
104. The name, “Esther” means (a) Myrtle (b) Star (c) Queen (d) Hostess (ANS. B)
105. “Mordecai belonged to the least tribe in Israel.” – True or False. (ANS. True)C

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